Wageningen University
Horticultural Complex of Agadir :
International Master’s Program in Water and Sustainable Horticulture – October Second Session 2023
Résultats de Présélection et Candidats sélectionnés pour l’entretien oral
de la deuxième session de candidature du Master « Eau et Horticulture Durable ».
مركب ايت ملول أكادير – مباراة ولوج الماستر 2023
Session 16/10/2023
CHA Horticultural Complex of Agadir
Selected candidates International Master in Water and Sustainable Horticulture- October Second 2023
Interview list – Master program “Water Sustainable Horticulture” 2023-2024
Based on the preselection process, the following candidates are invited to participate in the oral exam on
16th-10-2023 starting from 9:30am
Rappel deuxième session du master : water and sustainable horticulture |

International Master in Water and Sustainable Horticulture- October Second Session 2023
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