Résultats de l’examen de sortie
pour l’obtention du BTS
بلغ عدد الناجحين في امتحان نيل شهادة التقني العالي (امتحان التخرج النهائي) برسم السنة الدراسية 2012-2013 قد بلغ 1389 من أصل 2045 مترشحة ومترشحا موزعين على 22 تخصصا، نسبةالنجاح بلغت 67,92% اجتازوا الاختبارات النهائية في 35 مركزا للامتحان غطت جميع جهات المملكة.
وقد تم ضبط 48 حالة غش أثناء عمليتي الإجراء والتصحيح أحيلت على اللجنة المختصة للبت فيها قبل إجراء المداولات.
Les résultats de l’examen de sortie pour l’obtention du BTS session mai 2013 au niveau national ont atteint 67.92 % comme taux de réussite au niveau national
N | Filières BTS الشعبة | Nbre de candidats | Nbre Admis | Pourcentage de réussite نسبة النجاح |
1 | Electromécanique des systèmes automatisés | 140 | 73 | 52,14% |
2 | Développement des systèmes d’information | 288 | 171 | 59,38% |
3 | Gestion des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises | 315 | 290 | 92,06% |
4 | Systèmes électroniques | 70 | 40 | 57,14% |
5 | Comptabilité et Gestion | 243 | 155 | 63,79% |
6 | Management Commercial | 74 | 74 | 100,00% |
7 | Systèmes et réseaux informatiques | 222 | 160 | 72,07% |
8 | Management Touristique | 126 | 44 | 34,92% |
9 | Technico-commercial | 50 | 16 | 32,00% |
10 | Electrotechnique | 61 | 37 | 60,66% |
11 | Bâtiment | 71 | 62 | 87,32% |
12 | Multimédia conception web | 43 | 36 | 83,72% |
13 | Audio Visuel | 23 | 21 | 91,30% |
14 | Arts et Industrie graphique | 12 | 10 | 83,33% |
15 | Energétique | 23 | 23 | 100,00% |
16 | maintenance automobile | 22 | 16 | 72,73% |
17 | Productique | 128 | 78 | 60,94% |
18 | maintenance industrielle | 19 | 10 | 52,63% |
19 | Gestion Administrative | 30 | 30 | 100,00% |
20 | Matière plastique et composite | 30 | 10 | 33,33% |
21 | Conception du produit industriel | 25 | 18 | 72,00% |
22 | Mouliste | 30 | 15 | 50,00% |
TOTAL | 2045 | 1389 | 67,92% |
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madirhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCH wlh nasi7A Ana d s i s3ib systeme o ma3ndk ratt ma3ndk t3awd df3 o makayn doublage o zidddddddddd s3ib ana o dryk 7asala kani naj7a wla manaja7a
comnent inscrive dans BTS s’il vous plait
slt pour pouvoir t’inscrire sur le portail BTS c’est facile tu tape http://www.e-bts.men.gov.ma ensuite tu vas clicker sur inscription et enfin tu vas trouver la fiche de candidature a renplir . moi je suis sience eco , filière gestion comptable. merci ,si tu as un problème n’esite pas
It’s a plreusae to find someone who can think so clearly
Right anylsais.I also think this idolatry is connected to money, the actors and media people make an obscene amount of money that the poor Joe Smo can only dream. Couple it with a lack of G-d in Joe's life and voila Obama the messiah is here to save you from your dreary life, he will give and give and give and give (for free!!!), and finally all the rich liberals will be saved from their guilt.
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maimbourg etienne24 juin 2011this ineeiwrtw learned me a lot of things about the early days of John s carreer and i appreciated that he paid tribute to the music of the sixties and seventies.Everyone knows that John is a spiritual human beeing and this ineeiwrtw proved it once again: John is able to resist to the sweet taste of la cuisine frane7aise !!!.So here is my personnal recette :John s music must be served with warmth and may be consumed with absolutely no moderation for our souls and hearts need it so much in our merciless times!!
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O syntrofos Kostas Kourounis (pneymatikos praaets tou Dule),se synergasia me tin igesia KEAD-OMONOIA,me xorigous to YPEX Ellados kai tin Elliniki Presvia sta Tirana,kalei olla ta syntrofia na kratisoun ena lepto sigis gia ton megalo afto timonieri.Syllipitiria mporeite na dosete mexri 21 oktomvriou,oso krataei kai i apografi,se ola ta parartimata PS-PBDNJ,eno toufes me louloudia stin eisodo tis Gorantzis,ekei opou itan palia to LAPIDARI pou xalasan kapoioi varvaroi…
Hey there! I’ve been reading your site for a long time now and fianlly got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Illinois. Just wanted to tell you keep up the good job!
salam alikom,
BTS mazyana linass likatkhdém o 3arfa rasha tjibo b une note mazyana sinon blama t3adbo raskom , j’ai un ami lidarha o daba f cycle d’ingenieur en france ,donc mathegroch la formation olikigolikom madirohash o s3iba her kasol!! la vérité atkhdém 2 ans régulierement atjibha b mention,du coup 3endék les concours dawazhom +LP wla tkemel à l’etranger …bref drari limakinaj7och ma3endhomch niveau tout simplement ,Point barre.
kay9blou b moyen?
Na efarmostei h nomo8esia. Einai poly aplo. O dimos oreizi ta shmeia kai ekdidei sxetiki adeia. etsi 8a 3eroume poios ey8ynetai kai giati. Den eimai anti8etos me tis diafimistikes pinakides alla na efarmostoyn ta nomima.Ana.Xar.
If I could say one thing about this blog it would be design! I mean, I was so diarstcted by the clashing colours that it was pointless to try to read the blog. What are trying to do here exactly? No one can read this is if it looks like a kid smashed a box of Crayola on your page! Please do something about this.
Seems I’m not the only one who noticed this. Happened a while back.At first I thhguot she was just tired from doing the musical since I think it started during her involvement in CMIYC, but a week has already passed after her last casting and she’s still . like that.I have yet to see the latest ep. of IY.Is she still looking a bit down in that ep.?Hopefully she’ll overcome whatever it is making her like that.
plzz mais amis ana 3andi bac b 13.72 wach n9dar nta9bal fiha wchnahouma les filiers limzyanin wliyamkan lik tkamal bihoum mn ba3d l9raya
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