Faculte Des Sciences Et Techniques FST Errachidia
Résultats de la Selection Licence Sciences Et Techniques
Classement global des candidats aux parcours BCG et MIP au titre de l’A.U 2014-2015
– Classement global des candidats au parcours MIP.
– Classement global des candidats au parcours BCG.
Candidats retenus aux parcours BCG et MIP à la FST d’Errachidia au titre de l’A.U 2014-2015
– Liste principale des candidats retenus au parcours MIP 2014-2015.
– Liste principale des candidats retenus au parcours BCG2014-2015.
– Avis aux candidats retenus pour s’inscrire en MIP et BCG 2014-2015.
I’m rapidly cnmoig to the conclusion that the only party fit to have any pact with Robinson and the DUP is Fianna Fail, They share so much in common. Has Robinson been taking advice from some of Ahern’s retired spinners? Today’s piece to camera is straight out of the « dig out Dobson » interview, A sort of don’t hit me now with my matrimonial difficulty to sort out. Create a diversion to create sympathy before the hard questions are asked.
Kensei »At the heart of the CUMBLA nonsense is the same thing. Get SF. You see it here, you see it on 3000 Versts, you see it on Open Unionism. »If SF disppaeared tomorrow, we’d still have a job to do, to sell the Union. I detest SF for a whole host of reasons but I do realise that what I think of them matters f-all whilst their own core electorate, no matter what’s revealed, remains loyal. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with either their morality or policies.Two things are highly likely. One, Unionism wins the seat. Two, SDLP lose a shedload of votes and some won’t come back.Part of me, seriously, hopes that first point isn’t true…we (Unionism) needs a kick where it hurts and if there is a lesson learnt from it, then it probably would be worth it. Re the SDLP, again, morally, they made the right decision. Long-term (like the UUP) they need to think what’s their USP- if there isn’t one they may as well pack up and join the bigger brother.