Résultat de la Présélection pour l’accès à l’APESA IAV Rabat 2014-2015

Résultat de la Présélection pour l’accès à l’APESA


Les candidats dont les noms figurent dans le tableau ci-dessus sont convoqués pour passer le test le lundi 4 Aout 2014 selon l’horaire indiqué.

Le jour du test, se munir de la carte nationale et du reçu relatif aux frais de test

apaea iav


 Procédure de payement  :

–   Les frais du test s’élèvent à cent cinquante dirhams (150 DH)

–   Effectuer un virement au profit de l’IAV Hassan II : (avant le Vendredi 1 Août 2014 à 14h)

      compte bancaire n° 40187 TG

Code RIB : 310 810 10000 2400 *40187 *0145

Ouvert à la trésorerie générale du royaume à rabat.

Les versements peuvent s’effectuer auprès de n’importe quelle agence bancaire.

Académieshoraires 4 Aout 2014
Rabat (lien)9 heures
Casablanca (lien)9 heures
Kénitra (lien)9 heures
Fés (lien)9 heures
El jadida (lien)9 heures
Tétouan (lien)9 heures
Settat (lien)9 heures
Liste des candidats Missions (lien)9 heures
Al hoceima (lien)11 heures
Agadir (lien)11 heures
Béni Mellal (lien)11 heures
Guelmim (lien)11 heures
Marrakech (lien)11 heures
Meknes (lien)11 heures
Oujda (lien)11 heures
Laâyoune (lien)11 heures
Dakhla Oued Eddhab (lien)11 heures 

Le test d’accès aura lieu à l’Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Madinat Al Irfane, Rabat Agdal

Le test comporte 3 parties :

1. Psychotechnique

2. Connaissances scientifiques

3. Français

13 Commentaires

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    • If I were you I would pay off the credit card first. Your miinmum payment may be less than the secured loan but with accrued interest you will be paying on it many years longer than your car loan. Just for a general idea of how long it will take to pay off a credit card divide the balance by the miinmum payment. Your car loan should be for a certain amount of time, depending on how you financed it .. 3 years, 5 years. Another thing is that if things get really tight financially you can make do without credit cards but you will have to have a car. You can also sell the car, you can’t sell the credit cards.

    • I think being ready is not what the church needs It’s anoedanmbnt. The disciples abandoned themselves to the work of Christ, and the early church abandoned themselves to the salvation of Christ, the guiding of the Spirit, and the shepherding of the Father.Abandonment to the Kingdom is readiness. The better question may be to ask Is today’s church abandoned? When I invite a friend to church, I don’t want to bring them to a service with messages always about witnessing; that just happens naturally when people truly love God. I say let’s just pursue God with everything and that IS being ready.

    • title insurance is cut and dry so to speak, im going thru a large claim on mine right now,they are relaly terrible to deal with.they all have to provide the same coverage, and service as required by the state,the fees they charge are usually state regulated also, they all charge the state regulated amount, ( like Gap insurance for a car ) its always the same for everyone.a trip to the register of deeds will save you the money, ( I wish I would have )if its not on the record the title insurance wont cover it anyway. I had an easement the title insurance didnt find, and now the easement holder came in and is doing as he wishes all over our property, tearing down trees, removing a building, It was on record at the court house, and the title insurance still dosen’t want to pay.

  • I enjoyed reniadg the answers you’ve received so far, because it shows how different real estate is in different states. In Texas, the cost of title insurance is set. The title companies actually do the closings, and the fees they charge for that service do vary a little bit could be $225 per side (buyer/seller) on up to about $250 per side. Then there are other incidental fees such as courier fees, filing fees, tax servicing, etc. Some companies will just lump it all together and charge $300 per side.As a Realtor, (and in San Antonio, it’s usually the listing agent who chooses the title company) I find that SERVICE is the number one deciding factor. Who is willing to accommodate my client time wise, timeliness of returning phone calls, willingness to explain things to my client and ultimately help to achieve a closing which is on time, and fairly painless.Do go with a title company that’s in the county the house is in. Last thing in Texas, title insurance is just about 1% of the sales price and in San Antonio is typically a seller’s expense.

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