Licences professionnelles Développement Web et sport



Le Directeur de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Martil, informe que les dossiers de candidature pour l’inscription aux Licences professionnelles au titre de l’année universitaire 2012-2013, doivent parvenir par voie postale ou déposé directement à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Martil, B.P. 209 – Martil- Tétouan, du 1erjuillet au 15 Août 2012.

Les résultats de la présélection des dossiers seront affichés à partir du 14 septembre 2012.

Licence professionnelle | Développement Web

Étudiants issus d’une filière informatique (niveau Bac + 2 : DUT, DEUG, BTS ou diplôme équivalent).


Licence professionnelle | Managment et Administration du Sport

• Les étudiants ayant un DUT, un DEUG ou DEUP, ou un diplôme reconnu équivalent et qui :

– Attestent d’une connaissance du système sportif marocain et étranger.

– Sont actifs en milieu organisationnel, sportif de préférence.

– Maitrisent la langue française (l’écrit et l’oral).

– Ont des connaissances pratiques en informatique. 


inscription + Dossier:

Préinscription en ligne pour Licence Professionnelle : du 01/07/2012 au 15/08/2012

Tous les candidats doivent obligatoirement saisir leurs demandes de candidature sur le site internet:

Développement Web  –  Managment et Administration du Sport

Date limite d’envoi des dossiers-papier (dossiers de candidature) : du 01/07/2012 au 15/08/2012

Date d’affichage des listes des candidats présélectionnés : à partir du 14/09/2012

Entretien avec les candidats présélectionnés : du 20/09/2012 au 30/09/2012

Démarrage des cours : 08/10/2012

9 Commentaires

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    • « first publication », not « first peer reiweved publications ». Write up an article for the local paper. Or for that matter, start a new journal (circulation 2 – Mom gets a copy) and publish in there.Play a game of chicken – write up something fraudulent and pass it by them. Would they really want their name on something wrong? Yet the contract says their name must be on the paper. Mmm, but they can withdraw the license.Did you notice they require two citations in any paper which uses their software? That’s another way to up your citation count. Add it to your NOABL!Searching citations, I see there are some people who use the software and make one of the groups as collaborators. I wonder if Appl. Phys. Lett (one of the journals where that occurs) knows, and if it is in violation of their author agreement.Interesting. If a modification requires change to the core and it’s contributed back then it must be under a « perpetual royalty-free, irrevocable license. » I see nothing there which would exclude GPL as an allowed license. Of course they would then threaten to remove the license.Just Say No?

    • Bulgaria is in the mainstream of the coienntntal droit d’auteur / Urheberecht system as well, the latter being impossible to translate otherwise than copyright.More specifically: – The economic rights are not transferable. This is legally binding after the author is not alive as well. The exception is just in inheriting them, e.g. a Will or testament is causa post mortem transference. To this end there are numerous further effect regarding economic rights& e.g.any authorisation to use a work is time-limited up to 10 years.- Some of the moral rights are transferable- Some of them are totally inalienable; even not assignable, nor might they be a legacy (the right to recognition the authorship and the right to name / pseudonym).- Practically some of the moral rights shall be transferred inevitably: the right to first communication. Virtually it’s implied in the first publishing contract.Works-for-hire – Despite the authors’ rights granted by the law in labour, the employer enjoys an unlimited exclusive right to use his employee’s work without further permission or remuneration.- In case of commission the commissioner enjoys a right to use the work. This use is limited to the purpose stated in the contract, but unlimited in time.

  • Je ne trouve pas l’inscription sur le site.Pour cela je questionne
    Comment s’inscrire a licence professionnelle en ligne????

  • Bulgaria is in the mainstream of the cteoinnntal droit d’auteur / Urheberecht system as well, the latter being impossible to translate otherwise than copyright.More specifically: – The economic rights are not transferable. This is legally binding after the author is not alive as well. The exception is just in inheriting them, e.g. a Will or testament is causa post mortem transference. To this end there are numerous further effect regarding economic rights& e.g.any authorisation to use a work is time-limited up to 10 years.- Some of the moral rights are transferable- Some of them are totally inalienable; even not assignable, nor might they be a legacy (the right to recognition the authorship and the right to name / pseudonym).- Practically some of the moral rights shall be transferred inevitably: the right to first communication. Virtually it’s implied in the first publishing contract.Works-for-hire – Despite the authors’ rights granted by the law in labour, the employer enjoys an unlimited exclusive right to use his employee’s work without further permission or remuneration.- In case of commission the commissioner enjoys a right to use the work. This use is limited to the purpose stated in the contract, but unlimited in time.

  • Well, if you read the original lscenie, you’ll see that they choose the name of a greedy, ugly and extremely pitiable creature for their product. This explains everything.Probably their role model :-)On the other hand, it made me first think that it was an Aprils fool joke.

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