FST settat Résultats de la Selection Licence Sciences Et Techniques BCG – MIP – GE/GM 2014-2015

Faculte Des Sciences Et Techniques  FST Settat

Résultats de la Selection Licence Sciences Et Techniques




1- Les Listes 1 et 2 des admis

– Une 3 ème Liste de chaque Tronc Commun peut être éventuellement publiée si des places restent disponibles.

Les inscriptions en 1ère année du tronc commun, MIP, BCG et GEGM, à la FST de
Settat se dérouleront selon le calendrier suivant :

fst settat

09H00 – 10H30 : Accueil des candidats
10H30 – 15H00 : Inscriptions des candidats présents par ordre de mérite et selon
les places disponibles
Pièces à fournir :
– Attestation originale du Baccalauréat
– 04 Copies légalisées du Baccalauréat
– 04 Photos 3×3 et une photo numérique sur CD (format de nomination :
TC_CNE_NOMetPRENOM. Exemple : MIP_1234567890_MAHI Ahmed)
– Dossier médical
– 02 Copies légalisées de la CIN
– 02 Enveloppes timbrées portant l’adresse de l’étudiant.
– Reçu d’assurance

Télechargement avis

 2- الترتيب العام للمترشحين

Pour toute réclamation veuillez contacter l’administration de la FST settat Aucune réclamation ne sera acceptée après le Vendredi 15/08/2014 à Midi »

Classement des candidats pour le Tronc Commun MIP ,BCG et GEGM

Classement global GEGM

Classement global BCG

Classement global MIP

Les Détails et calendrier d’inscription : ultérieurement

3- حالات استثنائية: مطلوب منها اضافة بعض الوثائق منها نسخة من شهادة الباك، ونسخة من بيانات النقط قبل 07-08-2014

Anomalies du classement des candidats

2 Commentaires

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  • aa lekh khub sacho chhe ane mane khub gamyo aaje fast life ma point to point vaat thay chhe..priorityma arthik labh jovay chhe pan sachu kahun to 2nd class engeiners vagar managers kashu kari nahin shake ..tame manage kari shako pan gyanni depth achieve nahin j kari shako aa vastu mari sathe thayeli chhe hun sauthi aghara mane aghara lagta prashon select kari leti ..e managers kyarey gyan no santosh nahin melvi shake fakt knowledge j hashe e pan vakhat sathe bhulai jatu ..tamara bija blogs na vicharo pan saras chhe

  • If SF disappeared tormroow, we’d still have a job to do, to sell the Union. I detest SF for a whole host of reasons but I do realise that what I think of them matters f-all whilst their own core electorate, no matter what’s revealed, remains loyal. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with either their morality or policies.No, but the weird obsession with them leads to doing stupid stuff. Aside from the normal SF as bogeyman politcs: Pact in FST: long term stupid. Mooted assembly election pact: stoopider, especially with PR elections. Part of me, seriously, hopes that first point isn’t true…we (Unionism) needs a kick where it hurts and if there is a lesson learnt from it, then it probably would be worth it.It’s possible but unlikely. Hilarious if it happens though.Re the SDLP, again, morally, they made the right decision. No they didn’t, morally. They have no chance of winning; they have little chance of increasing their vote now. This is a Prisoner’s Dilema, and straightforwad agression by Unionism. I can’t see the gain from taking it, it just emboldens further agression. If they are Nationalist and would prefer a Nationalist, the right thing to do is withdraw. One scenario not envisaged would help them no end: them withdrawing and SF still losing. Long-term (like the UUP) they need to think what’s their USP- if there isn’t one they may as well pack up and join the bigger brother.Yes and no. They need a batch of smart policies, not just clever branding. But if they continue to focus all fire on SF, they’ll continue to lose votes. This isn’t simply a communal thing, though that plays. They are just fairly ideologically close these days. They need to pick their fights with SF. Folding here gives more credibility elsewhere.

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