Préselection Concours d’accès à la 1ère année du cycle ingénieur 2013

Ci-dessous les listes des candidats retenus pour passer les épreuves écrites du concours d’accès à la 1ère année du cycle ingénieur :
– Liste des candidats aux épreuves écrites du concours-SET1
– Liste des candidats aux épreuves écrites du concours-CMI1
– Liste des candidats aux épreuves écrites du concours-IMt1
– Liste des candidats aux épreuves écrites du concours-IAA1
– Liste des candidats aux épreuves écrites du concours-CMI1
– Liste des candidats aux épreuves écrites du concours-IMt1
– Liste des candidats aux épreuves écrites du concours-IAA1
Le concours aura lieu le 16 juillet 2013 à 10h dans les locaux de la FST de Fès.
FST Fes 2013
« U5b2a1a is frequently CRS, and with an eeatmtisd age of 16,000 years, and given the preponderance of U5 among European hunter-gathers, any CRS could well be U5b2a1a ». It is more precisely the case of U5b2a1a2 (three back-mutations in CRS direction!), although I guess private branches in other lineages may also produce that. Good finding!Still it’d be very odd that all the CRS would be that lineage precisely. I mean: it is not that dominant even within U5 and probably never was; it’d be a very curious and unlikely anomaly. So far the two cases where other markers was checked with CRS sequences ended up being R0(xH) [tested the AluI marker, unsure how credible it is] and U* [coding region test: 100% certain].And then what about the other (often reported as H) R* lineages, which maybe fit H-whatever for one or two of the reported HVS-I? The hard fact is that we do not know and that they could all hypothetically end up being R-other lineages very rare or even extinct today. I wish somebody did the coding region tests to clarify the matter once for all.But we have at least two distinct HVS-I sequences from (Epi-)Paleolithic peoples widely separated in space and time that must be H: one is H1b and the other H1j or H17’27. We also have, as Jackson notices, an Early Neolithic H5 (but not H1) in Syria by the same logic (HVS-I) – others were reported maybe but the HVS-I are actually not clarifying enough. »If R0 and JT were present along with U in ice age refugia, it seems like we should have seen more R0, HV and JT among hunter-gathers ». Agreed… in theory. I have not spotted what seems to be JT* but in Nerja’s Solutrean and then not again until Neolithic (as J and T separatedly). RO* (or HV*) was reported once prior to Neolithic (Italy) and I am very certain that there are two definite cases of H (Russia and Portugal) in Paleolithic Europe. But there is still « loads » of R* (with or without CRS) which by modern likelihoods should be H1 in >95% of cases (but that have shown not to be in 100% of tested cases, that is: two, hence the controversy). On May 9th, :Early/Middle UP (n=9): 1 U5, 1 U2, 1 H (same sequence), 1 R0(xH)-CRS, 2 R*-CRS (one is dubious), 1 JT.Late UP (n=6, Europe only): 2 U*-CRS (same sequence), 2 R*-CRS and 2 R* (other). [In addition 24 people from Morocco were: 1 U4, 13 R*-CRS and 10 R* (other)]. Epipaleolithic (n=16, Europe only): 6 U5, 3 U4, 2 R*-CRS, 3 R* (other), 2 L3* (N?, one probably L3d2 in fact, suggesting some African flow into Iberia prior to Neolithic). [In addition 11 Neolithic Syrians of same period were: 3 K, 1 H5, 5 R* (not CRS) and 2 L3* (N?).This gives a lot of European R* (often reported as « H ») to be explained: 25% in the early/middle UP, 80% in the late UP (plus 95% in Morocco) and more than 30% in the Epipaleolithic (when the Northern European U5/U4 numbers swell) (plus 45% in contemporary Neolithic Syria). The swelling of U5/U4 in the Epipaleolithic is intriguing but even more is the swelling of R* (H?) in the late UP, don’t you think?
West Eurasian, East Eurasian and African groups seem to have shieftd closer together relative to populations within those groups (based on the original K7 Fst’s).