Candidature Master spécialise ENS Fes ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE 2013




Appel à candidature 2013-2014


 ens fes

Master spécialisé d’enseignement en sciences physiques

Master spécialisé d’enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre

ماستر متخصص : « طرق تدريس العلوم الشرعية بين النظرية والتطبيق« 


Procédure de sélection :

  •  Conditions de candidature: Etre titulaire d’une  licence dans  le domaine de formation du Master objet de candidature ou d’un  diplôme au moins d’un niveau équivalent de  la  licence et satisfaisant  aux  critères  d’admission  prévus dans  le  descriptif de  la filière.
  •  Présélection sur dossier (mentions, moyenne par semestre, nombre d’années passées après le bac, spécialité, pré-requis selon descriptifs);
  •  Concours écrit.


Nombre de places prévues:

  • Master d’enseignement en sciences physiques:  24
  • Master d’enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre:  20
  •  ماستر متخصص : « طرق تدريس العلوم الشرعية بين النظرية والتطبيق » :   40


Procédure de pré-inscription :

1.   Faire votre pré-inscription en ligne sur le site web en suivant le lien du Master souhaité puis imprimer votre fiche de pré-inscription (pdf).

 >> Master spécialisé d’enseignement en sciences physiques

>>  Master spécialisé d’enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre

>> ماستر متخصص : « طرق تدريس العلوم الشرعية بين النظرية والتطبيق« 

2.   Constituer votre dossier de candidature comprenant les pièces suivantes:

  •  Demande manuscrite adressée à Monsieur le Directeur de l’ENS;
  • Fiche de préinscription (imprimé lors de la préinscription en ligne) ;
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Copies légalisées des diplômes universitaires et du baccalauréat ;
  • Copies légalisées des relevés des notes de toutes les années universitaires ;
  • Copie de la carte d’identité nationale;
  • Une enveloppe timbrée portant l’adresse exacte du candidat ;
  • Toute pièce jugée utile pour appuyer la candidature (lettres de recommandations, stages…).

3.   Envoyer votre dossier de candidature par courrier à l’adresse de l’ENS, en mentionnant votre code de pré-inscription attribué en fin de procédure de pré-inscription en ligne:




– Date limite de pré-inscription en ligne et d’envoi des dossiers de candidature à l’ENS (cachet de la poste faisant foi) : 20 août 2013

– Planning des étapes de la sélection:

  • Pour le Master spécialisé d’enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre (ESVT), les dates des étapes ultérieures de la sélection seront annoncées sur le site web de l’ENS au cours de la première semaine du mois de septembre 2013.
  • Pour le Master d’enseignement en sciences physiques (ESP) et le  Master « ماستر متخصص : »طرق تدريس العلوم الشرعية بين النظرية والتطبيق  (EI):

Annonce des résultats de la présélection : le 5 septembre 2013

14 Commentaires

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    • بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
      أتقدم بالشكر الجزيل إلى مدير المدرسة العليا للأساتذة كماأتقدم إلى منسق ماجستير{طرق تدريس العلوم الشرعية بين النظرية والتطبيق}كذلك أيضا بالشكر والتقدير،وأرجوا منهم قبول طلبي للتسجيل في هدا المشروع العلمي ، كما أحيطكم علما أنني حاصل على الإجازة في كلية الشريعة مسلك الدراسات الفقهية والقانونيةوفي الأخير تقبلوا مني فائق التقدير والإحترام.،

      • Interesting post, Mark. I’d like to get that book. I’ve struggled with the whole puiblc speaking thing (don’t really like it, but I usually get good response when I do), and maybe I just need a different approach. Perhaps if I view it as teaching versus speaking, I would enjoy it more. Thanks for the encouraging post!: )MerrieMerrie Destefano’s last blog post..

      • Also, a quick remark about the ABV:This rellay isn’t any different than most absinthes when they first come off the still. The only difference is that this brand isn’t proofed. Other brands add water back into the distillate to bring it down to their desired ABV, typically between 50 and 72%.

    • Good post. Too often I fail in the arena of courage. One sifpiecc instance happened just this weekend. While I checked out at the grocery store, my daughter grabbed my Bible out of my purse. The cashier was so curious. He kept leaning over to see what she was reading. With surprise he asked Is she reading a Bible? I confirmed, yes, but didn’t say anything more. I could have made a connection, maybe even shared the Gospel, but I just flaked out and continued stacking bags in our cart. Thanks for your reminder and challenge to be more courageous next time.Tanya Dennis’s last blog post..

    • I really like the thotuhgs on teaching, and that book I’m sure is a great read.Yes, I missed my calling, I’m more and more convinced. I should have been a teacher in some setting as my work, but oh well . Just have to make the best of what’s left.Ted Gossard’s last blog post..

    • Whoops. I linked up 3 times. I was havnig linky issues, but I guess I didn’t because I see triple of my Emma’s Peep photo. Feel free to delete away. What a great big borther to give his new baby sibling a gift! Love the gift, but that Paul Frank wrapping paper ROCKS! We are such Paul Frank freaks in this house.

    • Scott, Obviously my name is not BEN DOVER’ if you didnt get it(try to say fast, few times)Im actually a coiedman(no need for my name) and my mindless insults’ weren’t mindless at all, they were planned and I learned that from my GOD , George Carlin(your GOD’ doesnt exist and only stupid people believe in made up dieties, but thats a different subject, all togheter!)and I made no argument, you oblivious boob(damn,again?) or invent crap, like you conservative nazis do, I STATED FACTS, which the WHOLE PLANET saw, not only America, on TV, on CNN, and all the news chanels , for the past 4 years what a vile, lying, inventing , insulting bunch of aholes you republicans are! I dont know you, I dont accuse you, we’re talking here about your congressmen, senators, governors, and most of all the likes of Rush, pretty much the most vile person that ever existed on earth! That wasnt an’argument’, slow IQ man, it was FACTS, VIDEOS, AUDIOS FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS!you see, those cant lie!But obviously, you dont get TV reception under the rock you hve lived for the past 4 years, or you only get the Hitler chanel’ , Fox News, maybe using a rudimentary antenna made of some barbwire you found around..Jesus’ head!!Something else you should know genius'(because you think you know me!), I was a ..Reagan republican before a sperm like you was born, but thanks to idiots like you and the new crop of republicans in the past 4-8 years,,Im not anymore, as Im not a democrat eiher! So know nothing, lover boy! I didnt even vote for Obama, but I will now, bceause your party will destroy America, as they already started the process 11 years ago and continue now, just to see Obama defeated, sabotaging EVRYTHING! In many countries, thats called ..treason, my friend, but dont worry, your nazi friends are safe, since 98% of the Supreme Court justices were nominated by.. Bush!So,to answer your idiotic,untrue, unsustained accusations that the left-wing hate-mongers spew violence and hate ! Again maybe not under your rock, but WE SAW AND HEARD EVERYTHING OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS SAID ABOUT THE REPUBLICANS Or ISSUES IN THE NEWS, AND NOT ONE, NOT ONE TIME THERE HAS BEEN A INCITATION TO VIOLENCE OR EVEN INSULTS OR LIES !!Maybe you confuse the left-wing’ with the low-lives rednecks that went to democrats’ town-hall meetings with guns and threatened everybody, or by carrying signs depicting Obama as Hitler, as ..socialist(GOd, how idiotic , counfusing 2 different positions), insulting him, insulting ALL the democrats in Washington, going as far as giving brain-washed, uneducated white trash free hand at violence by their statements on TV, like Sharon Angle did 2 years ago, then that imbecile, Sarah Palin, had a TARGET LIST; on national TV inciting to violence against democrats, same goes for the other imbecile, Bachmann, who said that if we dont win by votes, lets get armed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What followed, you uninformed boob(again? I have to be more inovative!) was the Arizona tragedy, where the DEMOCRAT cogress woman, GIFFORD was shot in the head by a disturbed imbecile, who got the message from the comments by your representative! Is that what you wanted to say, you naive, lying little man?So far from what I saw for the past 4 years, ONLY YOUR party is spewing hate, racism(poor Obama and his family nobody should go through what he went through)and Violece!!! You fell into your own trap, you UNINFORMED &*@@**@ !!! And , wih all the racism, insults, lies, provoking, sabotaging, Obama never had one bad word , or insult or even get angry at your vile, nazi freinds! More so, he chose..humor and just made fun of them or the situation! Thats class and showed more ba**s than your whole party togethter, plus an IQ 100 points over ALL of you, dumb****!! So stop making up s%^*%^,, you oblvious boob(oh, no, not again!) because your party is the ONLY one doing those things! Its on..VIDEOS, I%^*%^*LE! you should Google it and also how many vile republicans did vile, perversities and crimes, compared to the democrats , for the past..80 years or more!! You will surprised and happy to know that your party WON’, they beat the dems 80% to 20% at being vile! Stop bugging me, you are too oblivio0us, to devious to see the truth! i never made an argument, genius’, I STATED FACTS,unlike you who just pee in the wind!! Now, again,go back under your rock and continue to be oblivious! You;re to small for this war!

  • salam sv cher responsable je suis prof de philo et j’ai etudier en ens fes l’annee scolaire 2004 2005 et j’aimerai bien m’inscrire en master toro9 tadris ….. est ce que avec un elicence ancienne option pilo general est possible de s’inscrire et merci

  • je veux faire l’inscription au master mais j’ai pas touvé le lien ou je fais la pré-inscription aidez moi svp

    • Connectedness. Yeah. You know, it seems that almost every job is made fuellr and richer and more complete if we allow ourselves to become connected to those around us. It’s easy to stay distant and safe.Isn’t that part of the deal with social media? The walls have come down and now we interact with the ones we read. And they listen to our feedback. Hurts sometimes. Also creates something worth doing.

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